Music & Sound Design - SpamBoy Deluxe

“It’s like Paperboy, but instead of throwing newspapers, you stuff spam in mailboxes, and everyone hates you.”

I had a lot of fun making original music and sound effects for this game jam. The theme was “spam to win,” so we made a little spam-mail-delivery side-scroller.

I made an original 1 minute looping music track for the levels, with the goals of matching the 8-bit aesthetic of the art and emphasizing the gameplay’s high energy and time limit. I threw in some “hey!” vocals and a guitar riff to help ground it in the real world a bit too.

You can listen to the level music here.

All of the sound effects were made during the game jam from foley recordings of my own bike, car, voice, etc., layered with electronic sounds to fit the aesthetic, plus some UI sounds made from synths or synth samples I had on hand.

Looking back, there are a few possible scenarios during gameplay that can cause a sound effect to not play, and a few sounds that I feel aren’t balanced in the overall mix, but all in all I think it came together well, and I still have fun playing it every once in a while when I show it to friends, and that’s what it’s all about, right?

Give “SpamBoy Deluxe” a spin on

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